"You'll be back. Everyone comes back"
These words were spoken to me by an upper ranking Correctional Officer (CO) at York Correctional Institution in Niantic, CT. I was dressed in the issued prison uniform and sitting on a chilly metal chair, squished in an 8x11 cell. I was chatting with my cellmate about the next day: my release date. Rolling our eyes as she spoke condescendingly and so confidently, I locked eyes with her as she stood in the threshold of the cell.
"Not me, I'm going to change my life, and one day, you and I will cross paths and you will regret saying that to me." I replied.
That was in 2014 and since then I have: gone to college and received a degree, maintained a career in the field of recovery, advocated for laws and policy change statewide and nationally, shared my story of healing throughout the USA, became a homeowner, rebuilt and created healthy relationships, and most importantly: I did not go back to prison.
Oh, and I did face that CO again. She participated in a staff meeting that I was a guest presenter to. Everything that I had presented, she was required by law and her job role to follow every suggestion. How's that for a role reversal?
I was able to stand in the threshold of a doorway and re-introduce myself. I'll never forget the look on her face of shock and disbelief.
Going from being issued felonies to receiving a college degree was life changing for me. I was able to prove to myself that I have resiliency and grit - and that was just the beginning. I've now invested in myself in a whole new way: starting my own LLC.
So here's to investing in myself, knowing my worth, protecting my energy, and to the woman who doubted me. Time for a whole new level of resiliency.
Ally the ally
Read more on my incarceration & other experiences here.
Ally, fortunately you rose above that individuals damning commentary of your future and aligned yourself with positivity. People, groups and agencies that offered up encouragement, positive learning experiences, and the motivation and support needed to put in the hard work to tackle multiple challenges which eventually enabled you to maneuver your life back on track towards meeting so many of your goals, personal and professional. Your story is tremendously inspiring but what lifts me up the most is your ability to share your vulnerabilities with others who may not see a viable path to recovery. The twists and turns of the path are real but with your guidance and experience you make a valuable role model and mentor for other…
Love this keep doing great things the world needs it! ❤💙